August 2013

I read this book in one sitting, plied with tea and various whinging noises from husband, son and dog.  It was extremely entertaining and well written and reminded me how much I enjoy reading.

RA Bird

July 2013

What a great debut novel.  I have just spent two days ignoring my family because I could not put it down.

SM, Surrey

June 2013

Just so you know, I’m blaming you for the current state of my house.  I’ve got to the ball in The Class Ceiling and am now wandering about the house, Kindle in hand, blithely ignoring the mess.

Vicky Charles

May 2013

Your novel was something different and so refreshing, I read the book in two days and fell in love with it instantly and I am so excited about your next book to come.  Thank you for delivering something so fresh and new.


April 2013

I hated finishing the book.  I miss all the characters, befeft!